Jared Jackson

Campus Staff, University of Kentucky

I grew up in a Christian home and believed in the existence of God. But my understanding of salvation was that if I read the Bible and prayed enough than God would be pleased with me and I would go to heaven if I died. As I grew through high school, my love of sin grew and it was clear that I did not desire to love the Lord or submit to his authority in my life.

When I went to college I met a Campus Outreach staff named Logan who shared the gospel with me and asked me to read the Bible with him. It was in this Bible study that I clearly saw in Gods word that there was nothing I could do to earn my salvation and I needed to fully trust in Jesus. Logan continued to disciple me by showing me how to study Gods Word, fight sin, share my faith with others, and teaching me the importance of a local church.

My life was totally transformed in college through Gods word and Logan’s commitment to the command in Matthew 28:19 to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”. I pray that God would use me to reach other young men on the college campus so that their lives, like mine, would be transformed by the truth in Gods word.

My wife Morgan and I started dating our junior year of high school. Logan’s wife, Kara, shared the gospel with Morgan and she trusted in Christ her freshman year of college.  Morgan and I have both seen the impact that college ministry can have firsthand, and we are excited to serve God and be witnesses to his mercy and grace towards college students.