Cameron Pittman

Campus Staff, Centre college

I grew up struggling with one thing, Identity. I wanted to be who everyone else wanted me to be. I wanted their approval. I wanted their status. I wanted their love. This desire to please others led me into a lifestyle of partying and substance abuse. A lifestyle that left me incredibly empty and hopeless. I was also an athlete, having spent the majority of my life playing football. It was during my junior year of high school that one of my coaches invited me to a bible study on Friday mornings at Hardee's. It was at this Hardee's that my life changed forever. It was at this Hardee's that I realized that it is only through Christ that I will be fully satisfied. It was here that I heard the gospel clearly for the first time. God used the investment into my life made by my football coaches to change my heart and lead me to Him. 

When I went to college, I was still wrestling with the question of "Who Am I?" Still finding my identity in the approval and opinion of others, while also trying to grow in my faith and walk with Jesus. It was here that I often found myself at a crossroads and living two separate lives. Again, God used the investment of other men in my life to bring me to Him. I became heavily involved with Campus Outreach while at Eastern Kentucky University. Spending my breaks on trips with the ministry, eager to grow in my faith and walk with Christ. It was finally at a Summer Project in 2017 that it clicked for me. My identity in Christ isn't earned or achieved, it is given. By the blood of Jesus, I am considered a son and an heir. It is because of Jesus that my identity is sealed forever and this is something I can never lose. The question "Who Am I" can be answered by knowing "Whose I am." 

Since then, I have met my wonderful wife, Mary Lou, and we have devoted our lives to giving our lives away on the campus. Having a burden for lost students to encounter Jesus just like we did in college. To dedicate our lives, resources, and time, to glorifying God by building laborers on the campus for the lost world.