Hunter - campus director, Eastern Kentucky University

Danielle - Resource staff, Lexington Region

Over the course of my high school career, I (Hunter) heard about Jesus and learned a lot about the Gospel. I had a knee injury that ultimately led me to ask the question, “Is there something more?” God met me at my lowest point and showed me His Gospel was the answer to that question.  In college, I started to apply what I learned in high school and to put the foundation of my faith into action - sharing my story, sharing the Gospel, and serving at a church in Danville. Upperclassmen student leaders and Campus Outreach staff came alongside me and welcomed me into their dorms and homes. They laughed with me, cried with me, and taught me more about the love of Christ than I could effectively put into words! 

I (Danielle) started my time at Eastern Kentucky University with the knowledge of who God is and a church going background. I attended a summer program with Campus Outreach my senior year of college and that is where I asked more questions and learned what it looked like to have a personal walk with Jesus. Two student leaders in Campus Outreach named Sus and Mackenzie were very influential in my spiritual growth. Sus listened to all my questions that summer of 2015 and Mackenzie later met with me weekly to read the bible with a couple other girls. She was committed to helping us toward knowing God more, proclaiming the Gospel, and being a consistent role model. Through Campus Outreach, I have gained some of the most influential relationships as we were brought together to run after Jesus and learn what it means to serve Him.

We were both greatly influenced by people who devoted their lives to helping college students know Jesus, and now we get to do the same! We’ve served at Eastern Kentucky University since 2018 and will continue to for the foreseeable future!

Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful.”  College students make up a portion of this harvest, and they will be in a position to influence all types of people after they graduate.  We’re praying God would use us to raise up students who will make an impact all over Kentucky and into Appalachia, here in America, and to the ends of the earth.