Hannah Sue Watkins

Resource Staff

I (Hannah Sue) grew up in Lexington and had the privilege of going to Lexington Christian Academy. This was a great experience that laid a Biblical foundation for me. Through LCA and my family, I was blessed to be surrounded by many Godly men and women who poured into me and allowed me to see the Gospel through the way they lived their life. After graduating high school, I knew my faith was something I needed to pursue in college. By God's grace, He led me to Campus Outreach. During my time in college and through Campus Outreach, God showed me the depth of my sin and my ultimate need for Jesus. He continued to reveal to me that it was by grace alone that I was saved, and not of my own doing. This changed my life! 

My husband Logan and I met at EKU through Campus Outreach and were both impacted tremendously through the ministry! We were equipped with tools to share our faith and to walk with God for a lifetime. I am so thankful for people who invested their time into us while in college, it has changed us and our family for generations! 

Logan and I got married in 2020, and in 2023, we had our first son, Baylor! As a family, we are passionate and dedicated to loving college students and glorifying God by building labors on the campus for the lost world!